~6. My Blushing Mess!

She is so Cute. I laid on my Bed with a Smile on My Face.

And it was ofcourse because of her.

She Hugged Me!!!! I can still feel her presence. I can still feel her Touch.

She is Completely a Different Lady around me which I Love the most.

Like Yeah, I wanna be only person who can make her feel like that. Who can make her feel like Goddess. Who can make her Blush with just stares.

Hehe. My Blushing Mess. My Princess.

When I hugged her back, she looked up at me. Only I know how I controlled my desire to kiss her.

I don't what she was thinking while looking at me. But She was looking really cute at that time.

And then I opened up my eyes to see her Blushing Face.

I kept my hand on my chest,"Please Stop Beating so Fast you damn Heart" I mumbled to myself.

The way she was looking in my eyes when my fingers lingered on her skin.

I chuckled while Remembering another incident.

Her 'Noixe'. Just Noixe Like Her.

From now on I'm also going to say Nice as Noixe.

And I still remember the fragrance of her hairs. They were smooth.

"I missed you too Ruvit!!" I suddenly remembered.

My Name from Her Mouth is sounding so Beautiful. How will it sound when I will make her scream it?

I closed my eyes as I felt my cheeks getting red. What the Fuck I'm thinking.

It's all because of that woman. My woman.

I am just waiting for the day when you will be Mine, Only Mine, Ms. Aridhi Agarwal.

I opened my eyes and looked at the pair of bracelet I was wearing. "Did she liked the gift or not?" I thought to myself.

And suddenly My Bracelet started to Shine.

Ooh! So My Aridhi is Missing me. Huh?

"She just came and you already started to live in Loverboy Era?" I heard My Mom.

"Mom!!" I sat straight on the bed to give her space to sit.

"So How is My Son's Ardhangini?" I averted my gaze from her.

I thought it was only her who blush around me but I am also Blushing because of her.

I looked at Mom who was already looking at me with a Smile.

"She is Just Like a Goddess, My Eyes never get tired of worshipping." I said as Her Blue Eyes hit my mind.

"She was Like a Star of the Sky, Don't know when she started to rule like the Moon." I continued as her Smiling Face came in my mind.

My Mom kept her hand on my shoulder.

"I got enough proof of your Love" She said.

"Love doesn't require Proof, Mom!" Loving Someone is a Beautiful Feeling and it's conditionless

"Okey My Boy, Now sleep." Mom said while standing up from the bed.

"Mom, wait!!" I held her hand.

She looked at me in confusion.

"Can I ask you a question?" I looked at her with hopes in my eyes.

I just can't let that topic go. I wanna know about her past.

She nodded at me, "I will try my best to answer."

"Why did you chose Dad over your Business? I mean Did Grandma really forced you to leave your job to marry Dad?" I don't know from where to start but I hope she understood the point.

Maa kept her hand on my face.

"It will be better if these things will remain buried."

"Okey!" I nodded at her with a little disappointed face.

Even Manish Bhai knows. Why she don't want to share it with me?

"I was one of the Best Businesswoman of my times. Your Grandma was not approving me as her daughter-in-law. She said Woman of this house don't work outside. I Loved your Dad very much So I left all My Business behind" She sighed.

"Dad let you take this decision???" Dad should had voice out for her just as Manish Bhai did for Bhabhi, Right?

"No!! He never wanted me to Leave My Career. He even stand against your grandma." She sat beside me.

"Then why did you sacrificed your Business?" I just don't like it. She should not take this decision.

"For Love." She smiled bitterly.

"But Dad was with you."

"It's Late now. Go to Sleep. We have to start with preparations from tomorrow." She went to her room without answering me further.

I am not able to understand this. Dad was with her but still she sacrificed her Business?? Did Grandma forced her in secret?? Or she blackmailed her?? Maa left me on a Cliffhanger.

I think I have to talk with Grandma.


"How was Aridhi Bhabhi Looking?" Rishika nudged my shoulder.

It's a new day but still a similar question.

"My Aridhi is a Goddess. Remember?" I lifted my brow at her.

"Yes! Yes!" She nodded while sitting back on her chair.

"I get to know Ridhima is a Fashion Designer" Papa said while reading newspaper.

Manish Bhai looked at Grandma.

"Yes, She is a great Fashion Designer and she signed a contract with our company too" He pressed on the word Fashion Designer.

"I have something to say!" Grandma gritted her teeth.

We all looked at her, "Since no one listens to me nowadays, I have decided to not attend any function of Manish's wedding" She said.

And here Her Drama begins. I took an internal sigh.

"Maa, you are the Eldest of this family. And your opinion still matters the most" Papa tried to convince her.

"I did be very happy if Manish had said that" She said while her eyes were fixed at Bhai.

Bhai stood up from his seat.

"Maa-Papa, I never wanted to bring up this topic but I think it's time to change our family traditions." The determination in his eyes is clearly visible and I'm with him over this topic.

Bhai was about to continue when we heard the door bell rang.

"I should go and check." Maa said while moving towards the door.

She opened up the door revealing a young woman. Before Maa could ask her anything, She shouted while looking at me.


Who the hell she is?? I don't know her. And what's up with this Fucking Attitude.

No girl can enter inside Rathore Mansion just like that and shout.

Everyone looked at me but Grandma was just looking at that girl.

Any guesses about the girl?๐Ÿค“

And what are your thoughts about Sacrificing for your Love?

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